What a great guest speaker we had last night. Our own Michael Lane has been in the Defence Forces for over 20 years and told us all about his one-year secondment to India in 2021.
Some of our best guest speakers have been our own members - everyone has a story to tell.
Michael Lane in his Indian gear gave us a wonderful talk on his experiences in India during Covid. Michael had a whole year there as a special ambassador of the Army and his talk about his duties, his extra curricular and sporting activities and the friends he made in India, kept us all very entertained.
KIVA - Who we have helped this month
Olika from Tonga
This mother's name is 'Olika. She is married to a farmer, and they have three beautiful children. 'Olika makes kiekie and sells out at the local market. Her three children are still schooling, and her business income provides for their educational needs.
She can make five to six kiekies in a week, from either hibiscus or coconut materials. Kiekies are made from coconut materials and have a higher price than hibiscus, for they need more effort and time to finish off. With this loan, 'Olika will be able to buy the amount of hibiscus and coconut materials needed. She still believes that her little business will support her children to finish their education and live a better life in the future.
Linda is a 42-year-old mother with 2 children and has a small business selling vegetables (cabbage, eggplant, cucumber) in her community to earn a living. She has been doing this for more than 2 years. Linda has requested a loan to buy vegetable seeds, chemicals, a wheelbarrow, a water tank, a rake, a shovel, hand gloves, and safety boots to assist her in running the business. Linda hopes to expand her business by using her profit in the near future. She became a member of SPBD in 2020.
Elsie is a 37-year-old mother with two children. She has a small business of selling vegetables (cabbage, eggplant, cucumber) in her community to earn a living. She has been doing this for more than a year.
Elsie has requested a loan to buy vegetable seeds, chemicals, a wheelbarrow, a water tank, a rake, a shovel, hand gloves, and safety boots to assist her in running the business. She hopes to expand her business by using her profit in the near future. She became a member of SPBD in 2021
Natalia Perehrestenko’s life changed forever on 16 March 2022. That’s when her home in the Ukrainian village of Moshchun was demolished by a Russian attack.
“The house was destroyed as a result of a projectile hitting the room where my daughter lived with her child,” she says. “Thank God, by the time the house caught fire, we had already been evacuated.”
Robyn made some Rosella jam and Passionfruit jam for auction. David Bonifant was a fabulous auctioneer and raised over $100. Lesley outbid a competitive Ian Wilson to get the Rosella jam for only $55.50
It rained a few times, but this did not curtail the happy mood of the guests. A good time was had by all.
Our hosts Brian and Lesley McAllan
Next meeting - our District Governors visit - Dave and Robyn Harmon.
Dave and Robyn joined the Rotary Club of Ballina-on-Richmond in 2014 and as they say, the rest is history. Dave is a multiple Paul Harris Recipient and has held various board positions as Community Service Director, Membership Chair (both at Club and District level) and Club President for two years helping grow club membership substantially and introducing community- based service projects that connect with community. Ballina-on-Richmond’s Domestic Violence and Family Abuse project has been a game changer with Dave being instrumental in forming many partnerships at a local, national and international level. This year will see our District lead a Zone 8 campaign on Domestic and Family Violence.
For more information on DG Dave go to www.rotary9640.org