Rotary Club of Ashmore
Club Bulletin 

Volume 2 | Issue 8

2nd May 2024
What a great night we had last night with so many young visitors.   We are all very proud of our QAHS Interactors and last night we heard how good this club is and the activities they are involved with.  We hope to be able to continue to have such a good relationship with this group in the future.
Meeting notes 1-5-24
Another very good meeting last night, with very few members absent.  Our guest speaker was Matthew Hansford, from the Griffith University Health Clinic, and we also had Kath Koch, who has been hosting Elise while Denise was away, Elise, and the Board of QAHS Interact club, five outstanding young people.
Graham Allchurch put in a mighty effort with his Chicken Kiev dinner and a great dessert.
The Griffth Uni Health Clinic provides Counselling, Dentistry, Dietetics, Gut Health, Physiology, Psychology, Speech Therapy, Telehealth and Exercise Physiology services.  Matt Hansford is an Exercise Physiologist.  Physiologists specialise in knowledge of the biology and functions of living organisms, and their profession, little known 10 years ago, has hit its straps in the last few years.  Exercise Physiologists design and prescribe specific exercise-based programs based on thorough initial assessments of their patients.  At Matt’s facility, masters students (under supervision) provide services at very reasonable cost to 8 different class groups, depending on the participants’ needs.  There is a Balance and Falls group, a group of Diabetics, a group of cardiac patients etc., and a composite group (the Heart Healthy group) for those who don’t necessarily belong to any specific classification.
Members of the public can undergo a Griffith Health Assessment, or a Lifestyle Assessment, for as little as $30, or free services under the government (federal and state) “My Health for Life” program. This program provides a 6 week course on better life behaviour, with an emphasis on diet, exercise, sleep and mental health care.
Matt encouraged any of us who would like to sample the clinic’s services to come along and stick our toes in the water.
Our Interact President, Josie Hamilton, introduced her board members, and told us of the club’s projects this year.  As always, they have had a Valentine’s Day fundraiser, an “anything-but-the-bag” fundraising day, and are planning a pyjama day.  They meet fortnightly, and would be very happy to help us with man-power for our projects.  Both Josie and Allegra are former RYPEN participants.  Heather suggested that the other Interactors should also tell us a little about themselves.  Allegra has just been nominated as a finalist for the Volunteer of the Year award, and little wonder.  You name it, she’s done it, from surf lifesaving, doing research with Seaworld and their whale watching, and working with CSIRO.  Kris runs a breakfast club, Shivani is just back from the Australian Dance Festival, and Shay is a rock climbing enthusiast who has just completed the Kokoda Challenge, raising about $900.
What a joy to meet these confident, capable, articulate young people.  I was hugely impressed…I think we all were
President Brian announced that we had made over $1000 at the Bunnings sausage sizzle, and that the next one is on 14 June.
Ian Wilson asked for support for the Science and Engineering Challenge, which will be held on 12th and 13th June. Please let him know if you can help.
Marcia has organised lunch at the Albert River Winery on Sunday 26th May.  Contact Marcia ASAP if you would like to go. 
The District Conference this year is a one-day conference at Ballina on Saturday 18th May.  President Brian would like to see a good roll-up from our club, so please consider going.
Our dinner meeting next week will be at Emerald Lakes.  Contact Joan if you are attending.
Rob advised that he and Ken had been to see the Ashmore State School principal to pick her brain about how the club could help the school, and specifically if she could suggest a project which may qualify us for a District TRF Grant.  The school would like us to help with the purchase of Decodable Readers, which are a resource needed for a new method of teaching children to read.  Research has shown that Grade 2 children who can’t read are very likely to be disadvantaged all through their years at school, and consequently possibly for their whole life.  There is a very heavy emphasis on reading in years 1-3, and the school is under-resourced for their needs.
There was strong support in the room for our applying for a grant for this purpose.
President Brian McAllan and Rotarian Denise Payne with our Interact visitors.
A good meeting for all.
Guest speaker Matt.
Everyone enjoyed the meeting
Interact President Josie
Presidents Brian and Josie
Pacific children get health boost with government immunization commitments

Nine Pacific countries have committed to greater protection for children against life threatening diseases by adopting an immunisation program that has been implemented by UNICEF in collaboration with Ministries of Health and funding from Rotary since 2020.

The commitment will see vaccines for Pneumococcal Disease, Rotavirus, and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) added to the nations’ National Essential Programs for Immunisation. The adoption of the vaccines will benefit children in Vanuatu, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, Nauru, Niue, Tokelau and Kiribati.

Since the Rotary ‘Give Every Child a Future’ project’s inception it has supported the countries to strengthen the supply chain, including the cold chain system to ensure that every child has timely access to safe and potent vaccines.
This is the view from the bow of our boat across to the Southport Cenotaph on Anzac Day just after the Dawn Service.

Weather permitting, the Southport Yacht Club takes part in the service.  We raft up a number of our boats facing the shore, and at the start of the service, there is recorded gunfire over the PA system while we simultaneously let off red flares from the bow.
We believe this is the only participation of its kind by a yacht club in Australia.

This is the fifth time I have taken part, the last few with Ken Cowan.  Ken’s uncle and Angie’s uncle flew over 30 sorties together before they were shot down on what was going to be their last raid before being given a break from flying.
Dead calm, and a full moon just setting.  Quite moving!
Rob Deshon
Science & Engineering Challenge
Date June 12 ( Wednesday ( and June 13 ( Thursday)  at All Saints Anglican School  100 Highfield Drive Merrimac
Rotary Club of Ashmore have been involved in this wonderful program since 2005. As per previous years 250 students each day will have a wonderful experience, which will help them map out a future career path.
It is so good to be a Rotary volunteer to provide assistance & some basic instruction ( no experience required) and watch students go about their Science/Engineering Challenge.
I am looking for volunteers for both days who will join with Griffith University students in providing support for the challenge
8.30am to 2.30 PM
Lunch is provided
Please contact me if you are able to volunteer
Ian Wilson
Coming up - Mark these dates in your calendar.
Sunday 26th May - Social event at Albert River Winery - $44 for a 2 course meal.  Remember to book in with Marcia.  Invites coming out soon.
15th May - Joan Adams - my life.  A special request for Joan to tell us more about her fascinating life.
5th June - Amnesty International guest speaker with Justine Dilllon
19th June - Rotary Changeover at the Southport Golf Club.  Invites coming out soon.
NEXT WEEKS MEETING - Please note that Robyn Schatz will be away for the next month so has asked members to please advise Joan Adams if they will be attending the meetings.
Joan can be contacted -
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