Our meeting held last night was well attended and well received. It is always good to learn more about what our fellow members are doing - both workwise and personally - and Justine has always been an active and interesting member.
Why join Rotary.... August is Membership month. We all need to remember that someone invited you to join Rotary - and now it is your time to pass on this opportunity to someone else. Bring them along to one of our meetings so that they can meet us and hear more about what Rotary does and specially about what our club does in our local community.
Dear Rotary Club Ashmore
I am contacting your group to offer an opportunity to connect with older people in your local community through our Aged Care Volunteer Visitor’s Scheme (ACVVS). This is an opportunity to connect with people in your area who may not be aware of your group.
The ACVVS initiative aims to target socially isolated people and promote a healthier social life and mental wellbeing. This Program supports community-based organisations to find and match participants with older people to provide friendship and companionship through regular voluntary social visits. Social connection may vary from person to person and may look like having a cup tea and a chat to a social activity.
The minimum requirement for a volunteer is one hour visit per fortnight. Volunteers will need to obtain a Disability Worker Screening Card (yellow card) before visits can commence. There is no fee involved for a volunteer application.
If you would like to receive hard copy brochures or to organise a face-to-face or over the phone meeting to discuss our program, please respond to this email or contact us on 1800 366 977 and ask to speak with a member of the ACVVS team.
We would like to ask if you would be open to displaying brochures or sending our message to your contacts for anyone you believe will be interested in becoming a volunteer.
Finally, if you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a volunteer in our program fill out the attached form and email it to ACVVS@footprintscommunity.org.au
Good afternoon St John’s Crisis Centre Supporters, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my gratitude for your support of St John’s Crisis Centre. Your generosity has helped us provide food relief and emergency relief services to those in need in our community for 43 years.
As you know, these services are not only utilised by the homeless and unemployed but by working families, single parents, school leavers, refugees, Domestic Family Violence Victims and First Nations People and many more. The high cost of living has hit those on struggle street even harder, while some are fighting to pay the bills, feed their families and keep the lights on and a roof over their heads for the first time.
This is where YOU and St John’s Crisis Centre can make a difference. YOUR support means we can help to alleviate food insecurity, keep children housed, and the lights on. So get some friends together and help support people in our community that are in need.
We are excited to announce that we are hosting a White Gala Night at the Glasshouse, The Islander on October 7, 2023. We would be honoured if you could join us to raise much-needed funds for the Crisis centre and for YOU to enter into exciting raffle and auction items.
I want to give you a sneak preview of some of our raffle and auction items:
$25,000 Winner Takes It All Raffle
Over $20,000 worth of Travel Vouchers
The Launch of our First St John’s Crisis Centre Wine and Spirit Cellar Auction
Our meeting Aug 16 was opened at 6.45 by President Brian, who welcomed guests Rhonda Curran, and Justine’s husband and son, Kyle.
Rhonda had a display of woollens hand knitted by the ladies of Palm Lakes group, mainly “Fish and Chip” jumpers and beanies, which go to Uganda, as clothes for newborns who previously were sent home from hospital wrapped in newspaper, as that was all that was available. She acknowledged a generous donation from a member of our club who wished to remain anonymous last time she visited, and the purpose of the display was to show that member what had been produced as a result of that donation.
Justine then took the floor and recalled that she herself had been the recipient of products such as the Palm Lakes ladies’ years ago when her daughter was born here on the Gold Coast!
Justine then began her presentation on The Voice, the contents of which should be either elsewhere in this bulletin, or individually emailed to members. She reported that she still has several aunties who, to this day, still carry a medium denomination banknote in their top pocket everywhere, as a hangover from the days when this was necessary to prove that they could feed themselves under the vagrancy act, and so not be taken into protective custody from the street.
President Brian then advised everyone of an upcoming get together at his home with his wife, Lesley and closed the meeting on the dot of 7.30
Rhonda Curran with one of the knitted gifts.
Our next Bunnings Sausage Sizzle will be held on 26th August - we still need willing helpers. Please let Brian know if you can help.
A message from one of our Rotary Youth Exchange students from the past.
Dear Ashmore Rotary Club,
I hope this email finds you well. My name is Kate Ranclaud, and I had the honour of being sponsored as an exchange student to Japan by your club in 2001. My mother, Jeannie, was a waitress at the Surfers Paradise Golf Club for many years, where your club meetings were held. There must be many changes since then.
The reason I am reaching out is that I am on the verge of graduating from university as an Occupational Therapist. However, I am in need of an International Police Check for the purpose of my practice registration. As I resided in Japan for a period exceeding 6 consecutive months, this check is a mandatory requirement. Unfortunately, I neglected to record the addresses where I stayed during my time there, which is now a necessary detail.
From my recollection, I stayed with the Kondo, Nishimura, Sakaguchi, and Suzuki families during that year. I am writing to ask if the club has any documentation that includes the addresses where students like me stayed. (I have maintained contact with the Sakaguchi family, so I do have their details available.) Alternatively, could you provide me with contact information for the Eniwa Rotary Club, who graciously sponsored me on the other end? They may have the required details.
I understand that this may be an impossible request, so I appreciate any assistance you can provide. Your support would help me fulfil the requirements for my occupational therapy practice registration.
Thank you for taking the time and consideration. I look forward to your response.